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All Things Grow with Time - Except Grief

posted on 11/3/23


All Things Grow with Time - Except Grief

While time does ease the suffering of those in grief, it must be time well spent.

Time spent frantically busy with friends or family will only serve as a distraction. Be sure that you spend some time each day just being with your feelings. This is where journaling can prove valuable. Or, speak into a tape recorder - or portable MP3 recorder – should you dislike the act of writing.

We could rewrite the old saying, “Time heals all wounds,” instead making it “constructive time heals all wounds.”

The staff at Behner Funeral Home is available to support you through the process of grief. Our services not only include serving your family when the time comes, but throughout the stages of grief by way of daily inspiration and suggestions for reacting to grief posted on our Facebook page, as well as several mailings after the passing of your loved one as you move through the stages. For more information about the Behner Funeral Home family, as well as information similar to what you see here, please like and follow us on our Behner Funeral Home Facebook page.

Behner Funeral Home
203 S. Main Street in Fairfield

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